presence in all over Greece and Cyprus

The technical company KP Akiniton has its headquarters in Alimos, but operates daily throughout the Attica Region as well as throughout Greece. It has a network of external partners of all engineering specialties, almost throughout Greece.

The technical company KPCP CYPRUS PROPERTIES L.L.C. based in Agios Dometios, Nicosia, undertakes and manages projects throughout the Cyprus territory.

why us ?


Covering all the needs of our customers with attention and responsibility and dealing with all issues immediately.


The company is staffed by experienced and qualified Engineers. Our partners are reputable scientists, renowned colleagues in the field of related specialties as well as experienced craftsmen, specialized workshops and renowned traders/suppliers of materials in the field of construction.

our offices


Ionias Ave. 45, Alimos, 17456


Athanasiou Diakou 17, Agios Dometios, 2369